Monday, December 7, 2009

Reflection from Miss Wiyah, dated 7 Dec 2009

Woke up at 3 am today. I guess I have enough sleep. Tats me..when I have enough sleep, I wil auto wake up. I returned from Pahang trip with the cub scouts. On the whole, the trip was stress free. We were well taken care. We arrived at Jerantut at 2.45 am on 2 Dec 2009. It was dark. We checked in the hotel for ard 3 to 4 hrs to have a quick change and supposedly to get few winks but to no avail. I didnt get much sleep on the train ride to Jerantut cuz of the bright lights in the train. I know without 24 hrs of sleep, I am gonna get eye bags for sure. The sacrifice. Then we proceeded to have our morning breakfast. Some 'villagers' were seen to have breakfast after they performed their Subuh prayers at the nearby surau, I guessed. A bus came and picked us up n off we went to our first caves @ Gunung Senyum.

The mitos goes like this..There was Tuk Long and a fairy pincess who fell in love n got married. Then Tuk Long missed his family and his home town. He promised the pincess (his wife) tat he will return in one month time. Tuk Long was so happy to be back to meet his family, had forgotten his promise to his wife that he wil return in one month time. Tuk Long has special magical powers..he can cure pple of any illness. So when he was back to in his village, he helped the villagers. After more than 1 month, Tuk Long remembered his promise to his wife. He then hurriedly return to Gunung Senyum but alas his wife xould not be find. He died a heartbroken man. In the Gunung Senyum lies his tomb. A sad end to a beautiful love story. The caves was where Tuk Long proposed to the princess (romantic), he praticed his silat and his tomb. I mentioned to Dza that wedding couples should come to the limestone caves where we set up the tents to have their wedding pictures taken. N true enough, we saw a wedding couple came and have their pictures taken. Heheheh..I then asked them for their permission to have our pictures taken with them. We then proceeded to explore more caves. Each caves is unique n a real challenge. On they way to to another cave, we have to walk on the mud in a forest, I was amazed that the guides could walk so cooly whereas we, Singaporeans were hanging on the tree branches so that we would not fall in the mud. I supposed they are used to it. I must say my appetite was good when i was in Pahang. Probably I was famished after caves exploration. I could not remember on which day...the fishing day, i was bitten by a secada and then on another day, my blood was 'sucked' by a leech. Our guide when we were in the base camp is known as Rambo..cuz he does things alone. He made for us a woggle made from rattan..Very cool. He also made the fishing rod out of oil plam branch.  On the whole the trip was fun, enriching and adventurous. to date, I am still amazed how Desmond can squeezed himself into the small cracks and cervices of the small opening in the caves.